School Attendance and School times

Please see below a parent friendly leaflet about attendance.  The full policy can be found in the policy section of the website:
The school gates open at 8:40am ready for children to be in class at 8:45am ready for learning. School ends at 3:15pm. 
This is a total of 32.5 hours
We are proud of our attendance and actively encourage punctuality and regular attendance so that all children are able to take advantage of the educational opportunities available to them.
Please see the leaflet below for more information on school attendance. 



If your child is absent from school for an unavoidable reason, such as sickness, please ensure that you notify the office by 8:45am on each and every morning of absence. During the call, please be specific with the reason for absence to allow us to record this appropriately and ensure all safeguarding procedures are followed.


We strongly encourage parents to avoid, where possible, making routine medical appointments during school time however, if this is unavoidable, please provide a copy of the medical appointment to the office.


For more information, please see the Attendance Policy linked below.