School Uniform

Our children are proud to be a part of Team Hemingford and wearing a uniform with or without the school logo, helps children feel a sense of belonging within the school community and is actively encouraged. Please support us in ensuring your child has the correct uniform when coming to school each day and this includes the correct PE kit.
School uniform without the school logo can be purchased at a range of department stores and supermarkets. If you wish to purchase uniform with the school logo this can be purchased via the provider, Chroma. Please find below a letter and information detailing where Chroma is and how you can contact them or visit there website or store. 

To go to their online store please follow the link: 

Pre-Loved Uniform
Navy blue with or without Hemingford Grey Primary School logo.
Polo shirt/Blouse/Shirt
Navy blue or white with or without Hemingford Grey Primary School logo.
Skirts/trousers/pinafore dresses
Grey, navy blue or black
No leggings
Summer dresses
Navy or pale blue and white check
Socks or tights
Navy blue, grey, black or white
Dark blue or black sensible shoes/trainers which will support your child’s feet outside and inside. No strappy sandals or open backed sandals. No bright colours or flashing lights. 
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather with a warm coat, hat and gloves for cold weather and provide a sun hat for the warmer summer months.
Uniform for Physical Education (PE)
  • For children in Foundation Stage, PE is not a statutory subject and children access opportunities for Physical Development throughout the day. Therefore, PE kit is not required until Y1.
  • Children can wear their PE kit to school on PE days.
  • In recognition of health and safety guidance, earrings are not permitted to be worn in PE lessons so should be removed for the day or the lesson. Removal of earrings is best practice so we will not be accepting tape over earrings. The summer holiday is the best time to pierce ears so that healing time is not disrupted by taking them in and out for PE lessons.
T-shirt and Shorts
We enjoy representing our school in local sports competitions; a Hemingford Grey School sports logo t-shirt, which can be worn for PE and to represent the school is available. Alternatively a plain white or navy t-shirt can be worn. Shorts should be navy blue. No football shirts or kits. PE jogging bottoms/ Sweat shirt/Hoodie Navy blue
Foot wear
Trainers for outside which must be in addition to outdoor school shoes. 
The school hold a healthy stock of pre-loved uniform and would welcome any families who would need any uniform to contact the school office and we can send this home with your child. There are also regular sales of pre-loved school uniform each term.