

Our vision and ambition for Music at Hemingford Grey Primary School 


We want children to have: 

  • A rapidly widening repertoire which they use to create original, imaginative, fluent and distinctive composing and performance work.  

  • A musical understanding underpinned by high levels of aural perception, internalisation and knowledge of music, including high or rapidly developing levels of technical expertise.  

  • Very good awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions and genres. 

  • An excellent understanding of how musical provenance - the historical, social and cultural origins of music - contributes to the diversity of musical styles. 

  • The ability to give precise written and verbal explanations, using musical terminology effectively, accurately and appropriately. 

  • A passion for and commitment to a diverse range of musical activities. 

Our music curriculum gives opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music, to develop skills and appreciate a wide variety of musical forms. We use the Charanga scheme to teach the National Curriculum for music which combines pedagogy, technology, music of all genres, and from all places, and resources. Charanga’s scheme for the Model Music Curriculum follows a differentiated, spiral approach to musical learning which responds to the national requirements for musical education. Within each unit of learning, students revisit existing knowledge and skills and then build upon and extend them incrementally. 
Each of the six units in every year group couples a Musical Spotlight with an inquiry into a broad Social Theme. Over the 6 Primary Years, these six Social Themes are revisited annually in the same order: 
Miss Kathryn Honey

Music Lead